Sunday, 6 January 2013

364 Days of Gratitude

Day 1: January 2nd, 2013 

I am grateful for my son Noah, who is turning nine today. He is the first baby I held in my arms and I am very happy he came into our lives, healthy, and perfect. I am also grateful for a clean, warm house and the gently falling snow.

Day 2: January 3, 2013

I am grateful for new beginnings and the potential for change. For finally being heard and feeling valued. I am grateful my kids found a way to all get along to day, and that I got to witness them playing and cooperating. And I am extremely grateful to my husband, my guide, the helpful soul who believes in me more than I could ever believe in myself. I am truly blessed. 

Day 3: January 4, 2013

 Today I am grateful for my return to my yoga practice-at the studio, that is. Today's class re-affirmed my commitment to practice. Exceptionally grateful, to Kayla, today's teacher for creating such a great series. Grateful to my husband, Kevin today who stayed home to get the kids off to daycare so I could practice and go to work. Grateful for the vegetable pakoras I am going to make when I get home tonight. Perfect ending to a perfect day.

Day 4: January 5, 2013

Today I am so very grateful to the amazing people I have met through my work with Weight Watchers. Staff, Upper management, members, lifetime members, every one of these people have made a positive impact in my life. Even when I thought it wasn't positive at the time. Every interaction is an opportunity for me to grow, and learn. And for that I am grateful.

Day 5:

So many things to be grateful for today, printable templates-helped me plan and create "Spy" birthday invitations for my son's birthday, and come up with some super cool activities for the party. My in home yoga studio that my AMAZING husband built for me-was able to fit in a 60 minute Moksha series AT HOME. Nice. My sister is visiting in just 10 days-always a crazy but fun time. Friends who support me through email when I just need that extra push. Sweet potato Shepherd's Pie. 

Day 6:

Snow shoveling, tree dismantling, old friends, new enterprises. Falafel. Yes, falafel. 
Oh! And school is back in session. :) 

Day 7/8:

Woops, I actually missed one. But hey I was REALLY grateful yesterday. It was one of those days where I had everything happening all at once and the anxiety in my chest was staggering. But I got it all done. I am GRATEFUL because if our ability to change how we THINK so we can change how we FEEL. You see, I took that anxiety and kept saying to myself your not anxious, your EXCITED. You GET to live today, you get to EAT, to drive your car, to see friends old and new, to practice YOGA, to hug you Kids, to be free. I GET to do ALL of that and more. And that my friends is what makes me truly GRATEFUL. 

Day 9:

Sometimes it is hard to get in the "attitude of gratitude"  I has someone say to me today "You need to be able to always from from a positive space" Not always easy. Sometimes you get a little blue and the blue goes to black. When that happens how to you find the light again? By being GRATEFUL. Tonight I am grateful for preservative free fully cooked chicken nuggets-complete with a sauce package-OK not EXACTLY whole foods, but the closest you can get with frozen chicken nuggets-don't judge. Potato and Sweet Potato "cookies" (recipe one day). Turning anxiety into excitement. And finally just being myself because that is who I am and I wont change for anyone. I'm just me and that's OK. 
Oh and one attempt at the "Law of Attraction" and Manifestation...I am grateful for the bottle of wine my husband will bring home from work. Let's hope it works.

Day 10, 11

January 11 and 12

Grateful for the ability to work hard. The last two days have been very full, just found out I will be taking on more responsibility at my job, and since I work in the weight loss industry, this is a VERY busy time. I am so glad I get to work for a company I truly believe in, and help people reach their goals. I also had the opportunity this weekend to work an energy exchange at Moksha Peterborough and it is very busy there as well. An abundant time for all wellness businesses. Thankful I have a family who supports my passion, and family who are willing and able to help out when necessary. The last 12 days have been amazing, your perspective really changes if you just take a few moments to focus on what you HAVE. Love it.

Day 12

January 13

Slow Cookers and My Weight Watchers One Pot Cookbook. Dinner has been on since 9 AM. :)
So grateful because it gave me time to wash and prep fresh veggies for this week, and clean out my fridge of any sneaky unhealthy food lurking and waiting for a weak moment. Such a great feeling going in to the week knowing I am taking care of me and my family! YAY!


  1. Love these posts. Made me think about the things I am grateful for. A beautiful practice and one I need to think about more and more.


  2. Thanks Kerrie!

    It is definitely an "acquired" practice, but one worth committing to.
    Was made easier today thanks to an amazing gift I received from a friend I am truly GRATEFUL for.
